Events Archive


Pastor Ashley blessed us with his message of togetherness,

and supporting for our leader. Truly, we are honoured to have

Pastor Barbara Martin as our leader.

We were delighted to partner with Samaritans-purse and deliver 8

shoebox to children across the globe for Christmas 2022!


We had a beautiful carol service on Sunday 18th December as we

remembered the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

We were grateful for beautiful sunshine, as we took our party

of 30 family, friends and loved ones to Margate Beach in Kent. 

For some of us, it was our first visit, but we all had a fantastic day!

We took worship in singing to Dean Gardens in West Ealing on

Saturday 21st May. The weather was favourable and we were

able to share the gospel with passer by. One person gave their

heart to Jesus and others were inspired and able to strengthen

their faith through discussions with them. 

Reverend Dave Brown delivered a passionate message about

the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ being the greatest

event of all time. We reflected on Apostle Paul' s words in 1

Corinthians 15 that becuse of this event we have salvation

and our hope of eternal life is secured. 


We were blessed to have visiting youth from the district who

shared their God given talent. Davinia Robinson demonstrated

that worshipping God in spirit and truth is about doing what comes

naturally to us and woship is most sincere when it comes from the heart. 


Evangelist Sharon Miller delivered a POWERFUL message.

She reflected on the dispair David felt when his belongings

were stolen (1 Samuel Chapter 30), and how with God's blessing

he was able to persue the enemy and recover all that was stolen! 

Upcoming Events

Sunday 23rd February
1:00pm - 3:30pm -
Wednesday 26th February
8:00pm - 9:00pm -
Sunday 2nd March
1:00pm - 3:30pm -
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